What's Included In The MVP Jumpstart?

The MVC Jumpstart contains everything that a development team needs to get started. A web based frontend, an auto-scaling Serverless backend, configured and deployed Infrastructure as Code (IaC), a complete data model with functioning data, a payment processing engine, and the complete code repository to allow your project to grow in any direction you would like.


What's Included?

Web Frontend

The MVC Jumpstart frontend is comprised of a react web application with fully responsive layout to ensure full functionality on all devices.

Serverless Backend

The Serverless Framework means that the backend can scale from dozens of users to millions. It's fast and elegantly connects with external API interfaces like Stripe.

Payment Processing

Investors want to see a clear path to monetization. Using our direct payment integration module gets your MVP on that path from day one.

Registration & Login

Every MVP our team has worked on over the last 15 years has needed user registration and authentication - battle-hardened, real-world sign up and login.

Infrastructure as Code

Never worry about server maintenance or supporting complex systems. The MVP Jumpstart Package ensures that your app is tested and deployed automatically.

Real Documentation

Scaling a development team with "tribal knowledge" is impossible - our detailed documentation ensures that every developer on your team is up to date.